Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July

Here are few quick tips that may help your pup during all the festivities and fireworks:

  • Use a Calming Wrap
  • Unlike thunderstorms, you usually know when fireworks are coming,so plan ahead
  • Get your dog lots of exercise before the fireworks start
  • Make sure you dog has a “safe space” to go to when they get scared
  • Close the curtains – dogs can be very sensitive to light / sudden changes, so closing the curtains can help reduce that unwanted stimulation
  • Distract your pup with Toys or Treats
  • Try to act as normal as possible around your dog, and distract them if possible
  • Get out their favorite toys / games and play
  • You can also try distracting your dog with treats to try to get them to be more comfortable
  • If none of the above completely calm your dog and he or she still seems very distressed during fireworks, contact your veterinarian for additional assistance.
