Hot weather safety tips

Summer is here! Don’t let your pup fall victim to the heat. Here are some quick tips to keep your pup safe and happy all summer long! Thanks to the ASPCA for these great tips! Visit the vet for a summer checkup. Make sure your pets get tested for heartworm if they aren’t on year-round…

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Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July Here are few quick tips that may help your pup during all the festivities and fireworks: Use a Calming Wrap Unlike thunderstorms, you usually know when fireworks are coming,so plan ahead Get your dog lots of exercise before the fireworks start Make sure you dog has a “safe space” to go…

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Find LOVE with a dog

We are so proud of our pups! They are a huge part of our family! If you are considering a pup, please reach out to us to find out information about getting your name onto our waiting list. Check the website often at to find out if there any new liters available and also…

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Happy Memorial Day

🇺🇸 Happy Memorial Day “And they who for their country die shall fill an honored grave, for glory lights the soldier’s tomb a beauty weeps the brave.”-Joseph Rodman Drake

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Our breeds

We are often asked what type or pups we specialize in. We take pride in offering the following breeds: Maltipoo’s Shihpoo;s Malshipoo’s Cockapoo’s Poochon’s We also have training program that you can take part of to get your pup ready for your home. Visit our website at  and find out what is available or…

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Man’s Best Friend

🐶 Dogs are our best friends. They are there for us no matter what, ready to lend a paw or simply stay beside you through thick and thin. We don’t think there can be a better friend and encourage you to find a pup that brings joy to your life everyday. 

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Keep the Chocolate Bunnies Away

Sunday is Easter and typically that means there is a house full of chocolate bunnies and eggs – we just want to remind you that chocolate is not safe for your pup! Chocolate poisoning is particularly common at this time of year. Chocolate contains a chemical called theobromine, which can be poisonous to dogs, as…

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